Billy Cornelison - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Billy Cornelison

 Woodbury Karate, Arti Marziali


I am searching for sponsors to cover training and travel expenses for martial arts tournaments. I will be competing in the Elite World Championships in Orlando, Florida later this year.


I have been studying Karate for about 14 months. I will be going up for my purple belt within probably another month. I have started competing in some pretty big tournaments. I have competed twice in the US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation Championships with a third place and fourth place finish in point sparring. I competed at the EMAC Tennessee State Championships last year. I was runner-up in point sparring and crowned State Champion in Forms. I have recently competed in the Louisville Championships which was also a qualifier for the Elite World Championships in Orlando, Florida. I finished second in both Forms and Point sparring and qualified for the World Championships later this year. I finished 2021 ranked #4 in EMAC for Point Sparring and Ranked #2 in EMAC for Forms. With the success I have already achieved in martial arts I think it would be beneficial for any business to partner with me. I would like the opportunity to increase the number of competitions I attend and through sponsorship I would be able to do so.

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

As I do plan on attending competitions right now in the southeastern part of the United States and hopefully in the near future expand this to other parts of the country and maybe even the world I think I will be competing in front of huge crowds that will not only get me noticed but also get my sponsors recognition as well.

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