أكبر منصة للرعاية الرياضية في أوروبا | Sponsoo


I am 14 years old and I race Flat Track Motorcycles. I have been racing for 7 years. I was 6th in the world this year at the AMA Grand Nationals


I am 14 years old and I race Flat track motorcycles. I have been racing for 7 years.  This year I was 6th in the world at AMA Grand Nationals. I was also 2nd at Daytona Bike Week. I cross train by riding motorcros, play footbal and basketbal .  I am a good student and school is important to me. I work hard at everything I do. Last year I attended over 40 races and raced 120 classes. I represent my sponsors on my trailer, bike, Team shirts, as well as social media. 

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