Diletta - Sponsorship offers | Sponsoo


 Firenze Tennis
  • Pubblicità su tutti i social

    price breakdown

    • Repeated payment of 0€0 monthly

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Main sponsor

  • Post sui social (da definire la frequenza con lo sponsor)

    price breakdown

    • Repeated payment of 0€0 monthly

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Main sponsor

  • Il logo ben visibile su tutti i completini da allenamento e da torneo.

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 0€0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Main sponsor

  • Farò presenza agli eventi dello sponsor ma a sue spese per quanto riguarda gli spostamenti, il pernottamento e prima colazione .Le date devono essere discusse e devono essere inserite nel mio programma di allenamento e competizioni sportive.

    price breakdown

    • One time payment of 0€0

    Contract period
    Contract start date
    From contract signature
    Contract end date
    After fulfilling all contractual obligations (one-off campaign)


    Main sponsor

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