Kyle Poapst - Sponsorship profile | Sponsoo

Kyle Poapst

 Lancaster Baseball
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I am a 6’5 215 lb Canadian right handed pitcher at the University of Antelope Valley. I just finished a summer winning the WCBL Championship and have many contacts across North America. In 2019 I was awarded PBA Wardawg of The Year. 


 I am fresh off a championship in Canada in the Western Canadian Baseball League and have many contacts across North America that I regularly stay in touch with.  I was a member of the 2019 Canadian Baseball Network draft eligible list, have been the captain of my baseball program Prairie Baseball Academy in Canada for the past 3 years where I was awarded Wardawg of the year and now am looking to make an impact at my school in California. A great strength of mine is networking, I have worked for Under the Lights Sports and Entertainment and have experience running social media accounts for large accounts, as well as in customer service. I plan on pursuing professional baseball after receiving a degree in sports management whether in the United States, Australia, or across Europe. 

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1231 followers on instagram,  500+ Snapchat friends, 1085 Facebook friends. 

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