U21 Canoe polo national team wimen - Sponsorship profile | Sponsoo

U21 Canoe polo national team wimen

 Rapperswil Jona Canoe Polo


We need your help to fulfill ouer dream of participating at the EM and WM and growing together as a Nationals team by gagning experience. Passion alone sadly doesn't bring us there, therefor we need your help. We are gratefull for every help we get.



We are a new set up team of young women eager to learn and experience new things. Canoe polo is a very small sport and we will never earn any mony with it but it doesn't matter because we love ouer sports and enjoy every moment practising it. Ouer motivations are the people surrounding us and the sport its self. We try to always push each other and enjoy the time we get with eachother driven by a big shared dream of ouers. 

This Year, in September 2023, we will be participating at ouer first European Championship in Brandenburg, Berlin and next year we will hopefully be paarticipating at the Worlds in China. We all hope for them to be ouer first and not last big tournaments which we get to experience.  But passion alone does not bring us there and considering the fact that almoste everyone uf us is a student, the financial situation does not get easyer. 

Therefor we need your help! 
Accompany us on ouer way to ouer dream and become a part of ouer team. 
We are gratefull for every help we get and are looking foreward to a blooming partnership with you

Best regards 
U21 Swiss canoe polo team

Our preferred sponsor

Wir suchen eine Sponsoren der in der Schweiz vertreten ist und uns zum Beispiel Finanziell etwas unter die Arme greifen kann. Wir sind offen für Private und öffentliche Partner die auch in unseren Sport interessiert sich bereit erklären etwas mehr über uns zu erfahren und bereit sind sich mit uns auf eine Reise zu begehen die uns hoffentich noch sehr weit bringen wird. 


Reach / Links

Key figures for sponsors

Instagram: u21swisscanoepolo_nationalteam

We are a young team as mentioned but ouer community is slowly growing with ouer soon about to hit 300 followers. 
We have around 5'000 spectators at big events and around 80 at smaller club internel ones. 


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