Hello, my name is Pablo Barbosa.
This year I will run 1000 Miles from Ukraine to Italy in 30 days.
The project's name is TMD, which means Thousand Miles of Dreams.
I'm doing this for 3 big reasons:
1. I will run to fundraise money to help child hunger around the world.
2. I want to inspire people that "everything is possible" when you want something so much.
3. I'm a model and since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I didn't work anymore, but I always believed that I could do something to make this dream come true or that at least I can try until the end challenging my limits.
So I'm going to run from Ukraine to Italy to introduce myself to the modeling agencies in Milan once I get there.
Important: There is a filmmaking company that will make a documentary film of the project. And we are looking for sponsors that would like that their brand be in the film and could help with the expenses of the filmmaker’s team journey.